Consulting is More Than Giving Advice.

Developing people. Delivering results.

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Let's Improve your credit scores and financial knowledge!

Credit Consultations

Implement Action Plan-Take Action

Provide Results

About Us

Our Goal

Our goal is to improve your Overall Financial Picture, while facilitating an updated financial portfolio utilizing our successful planning & financial strategy.

Business Solutions

Looking to open a new business? With American Wealth & Casualty, you be empowered to handle common business management challenges to create a competitive and sustainable organization.

Let Us Help!

Whether you want us to work for you or if you know a friend or family member that needs our services, we can help!

Finding Your Partner

If you are in search of dependable Real Estate Agents, Mortgage Brokers, or Auto Dealers, let American Wealth & Casaulty simplify this process for you. We will assist you to find the partners that can be an asset to your need.

Our Vision

American Wealth & Casualty's Vision is to empower individuals, families, and business owners to develop a Financial Portfolio with evidence of successful and wholistic sustainability.

Our Mission

American Wealth & Casualty's Mission is to eliminate financial disparities through education and coaching; to help create positive change within our communities and throughout our world